European Academies in World War I / 2 days
A Cycle of international conferences co-organized by the Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, the Académie des Sciences and the Royal Society, June 8, 2017 and June 9, 2017, from 10 am to 6 pm Université de Lorraine, Metz - For any information:
Although the subject of science, especially chemistry, in the Great War has attracted a good deal of attention in recent years, the role of academies in the conflict has been littlestudied. Following an inaugural conference, held under the auspices of the Academia Leopoldina in Halle in 2014, two further conferences are planned for the spring of 2017 and the autumn of 2018 to continue work in this neglected area. Like the initial gathering in Halle, the conferences in 2017 and 2018 will be broad in their international coverage, and they will seek to maintain a strongly comparative focus. They will take account of the full range of the sciences and technology, including the medical sciences, and set the work of academies in a broad context embracing the relations between the diverse military, industrial, and political elements that bore on the conduct of the war.
See the programme and the abstracts-
Opening remarks
Maxime Schwartz - Les disciples de Pasteur et la Grande Guerre
Jens Thiel - Akademiereden im "Krieg der Geister", 1914 bis 1918
Geneviève Warland - The Académie royale de Belgique during the First World War : Ways of resisting the German occupation
David Aubin - Les mathématiciens et la guerre à l'Académie des sciences
Dieter Hoffmann, Manfred Rasch - The Kaiser Wilhelm Foundation for Military-Technical Science
Nicolas Ginsburger - The Berlin Geographer Albrecht Penck in the First World War : the mobilization of an academician
Pierre Lamandé - Un grand témoin du monde académique parisien durant et après la Première Guerre Mondiale : Emile Picard
René Van Tiggelen - Radiology in a trench coat. Military radiology on the Western front during the Great War
Patrick Mornet - Contremoulins and Hirtz compasses for the radiological detection of foreign bodies during World War One
Philippe Taquet - Geology in the War
Claude Debru - L'Académie nationale de médecine dans la guerre
Nicolas Todd - Les conséquences épidémiologiques de la guerre
Pierre Labrude - Auguste Sartory, professeur et pharmacien major. Des services exceptionnels à Nancy et à Paris pendant la Grande Guerre
Gilles Denis - A Secret Committee of the Académie des sciences for organizing French agricultural research in 1916
Tibor Frank - War and Science : The Impact of World War on the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Johannes Feichtinger - The Academy of Vienna during the War
Giovanni Paoloni - Vito Volterra and the Italian Academies during the Great War
Laurent Rollet - Le Bureau des Longitudes dans la Guerre
Conclusion de la conférence