08 Apr2014
Computing science and Bioinformatics
Symposium organized by the Korean Academy of Science and Technology and the French Académie des Sciences
Welcome addresses
Catherine Bréchignac, Secrétaire perpétuel of the French Académie des Sciences
Jean-François Bach, Secrétaire perpétuel of the French Académie des Sciences
Sung-Hyun Park, President of the Korean Academy of Sciences and Technology -
Overview of Bioinformatics research in Korea
Kwang Hyung Lee, Fellow of KAST, KAIST -
Some computer science challenges raised by computational biology
Gérard Berry, Member of the French Académie des Sciences, Collège de France -
Testing for High-dimensional Big Data
Youngjo Lee, Fellow of KAST, Seoul National University -
Toward a theory of statistical neuroscience
Olivier Faugeras, Member of the French Académie des Sciences, INRIA -
Neuro-Driving: A brain-Computer Interface for Smart Vehicle
Seong Whan Lee, Fellow of KAST, Korea University -
Illustration of some challenges in computational biology and medicine
Alain Viari, INRIA
Videos made by Webcast CC-IN2P3/CNRS