Computing science and Bioinformatics

Nuage de tags Big data

Symposium organized by the Korean Academy of Science and Technology and the French Académie des Sciences

  • Welcome addresses

    Catherine Bréchignac, Secrétaire perpétuel of the French Académie des Sciences
    Jean-François Bach, Secrétaire perpétuel of the French Académie des Sciences
    Sung-Hyun Park, President of the Korean Academy of Sciences and Technology
  • Overview of Bioinformatics research in Korea

    Kwang Hyung Lee, Fellow of KAST, KAIST
  • Some computer science challenges raised by computational biology

    Gérard Berry, Member of the French Académie des Sciences, Collège de France
  • Testing for High-dimensional Big Data

    Youngjo Lee, Fellow of KAST, Seoul National University
  • Toward a theory of statistical neuroscience

    Olivier Faugeras, Member of the French Académie des Sciences, INRIA
  • Neuro-Driving: A brain-Computer Interface for Smart Vehicle

    Seong Whan Lee, Fellow of KAST, Korea University
  • Illustration of some challenges in computational biology and medicine

    Alain Viari, INRIA

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