Standing Committee for Science and Biosafety Issues: averting threats to Biosafety

The Standing Committee for Science and Biosafety Issues of the Académie des Sciences, chaired by Henri Korn, stems from the Scientific Action for defence Committee, which had been created by the Académie in 1992 and, in 1995, had written a report on the danger of biological weapons. The Committee for Science and Safety Issues has been created in 2005, following the signature, by the Académie des Sciences and 67 of its counterparts over the world, of the InterAcademy Panel Statement on Biosecurity. It gathers a group of experts from fields pertaining to the life sciences and medical sciences: cell biology, molecular biology and genetics, bacteriology, virology, risks induced by the use of toxins, immunology, chemistry, computer sciences, plant biology, the environment and, more recently, synthetic biology.


Composition of the committee

President: Henri Korn

Members: Jean-François Bach -  Jacques Blamont -  Christian Bordé -  Catherine Bréchignac -  Édouard Brézin -  Pierre Encrenaz -  Bernard Meunier -  Gérard Orth -  Olivier Pironneau -  Christophe Soulé -  Philippe Taquet
