The French Académie des sciences is establishing a Committee of Scientists for Ukraine to, among other things, welcome, accompany and support the Ukrainian scientific community, as well as the families of scientists, in their exile in France. Learn more
The French Académie des Sciences, in a few words
Created by Colbert in 1666, the French Academie des Sciences is an assembly of scientists, chosen among the most distinguished French and foreign specialists. It examines the political, ethical and societal issues surrounding the current and future scientific topics. The Academy reflects, anticipates, explains and pronounces itself, mainly through opinions and recommendations and takes position when necessary. It aims to provide policy makers with a framework of expertise, counsel and alert and more broadly to enlighten the debates and choices of our society. In addition, the French Académie des Sciences supports research, is committed to the quality of science education and promotes scientific life at the international level. Learn more
15 Oct2019
Cérémonie de remise des prix 2019 du 15 octobre 2019
Une première cérémonie de remise des prix de l'Académie des sciences a eu lieu le mardi 15 octobre 2019, sous la coupole de l'Institut de France. La deuxième cérémonie s'est tenue le 26 novembre 2019.
Prix Verdaguer / Fondation de l’Institut de France - Aniuta Winter Klein - Mme Claude Berthault / Fondation de l’Institut de France - Leconte - Gustave Ribaud - 2019
Frédéric PINCET, Victor DOTSENKO, Bertrand EYNARD, Michael LE BARS, Silvia GALLI