Les drapeaux du S20

G20 2022: "Recover together, recover stronger" - Joint Statement of Academies of Sciences

In preparation for the G20 2022 Summit, to be held Bali, Indonesia, on November 15 and 16, 2022, the science academies of the member countries, including the french Académie des sciences, have submitted a final statement to their respective governments to alert them to what they see as the most pressing current scientific issues.
The academies recommend that the G20 governments tackle challenges in the priority issues that cover: building resilient health systems, enhancing adaptive capacity of health systems to climate change, bolstering multi-disciplinary science and technology for pandemic preparedness and climate change, guaranteeing that people are at the center, and strengthening the nexus between data-research-policy-practice for climate change, pandemic preparedness and economic recovery.

----> Read the joint statement: "Recover together, recover stronger"
----> Read the intervention of the French Academy of Sciences