Criteria for a transparent and rigorous evaluation of the researchers and their research teams
Statement of the Académie des Sciences - October 2022
The community of scientific researchers is, in general, very open to the principles of the Open Science, which offers free and open access to scientific publications and data. However, a major obstacle to its implementation currently lies in evaluation practices. An evolution of these practices appears necessary, as recommended by the DORA declaration signed by many institutions, including the French Academy of sciences.
Sharing data and scientific advances ensures that discoveries will be disseminated more quickly and to a greater number of people. Also, by doing scientific results and data available for discussion and criticism by a larger audience, ensures a more rigorous and ethical research.
In this evolving context, it is legitimate that researchers - who rightly want their research activities to be recognised at national and international levels - wonder about what will be the modalities of the evaluation of their scientific work and research projects. Their questionings concern (i) the concrete criteria that will be used by universities and research organisations for researcher’s appointment or promotion, (ii) the new rules for the evaluation of research projects by national or European funding agencies, and (iii) the exact criteria for scientific awards.
The Committee on Evaluation and Open Science (CoESO) of the French Academy of sciences is convinced that the principles of Open Science will only be accepted and implemented by the whole scientific community if the evaluation is based on clear, objective, transparent and pre-determined criteria.